Do your social media posts have a negative undertone?

Are the things you are posting for the sake of "Keeping It Real", actually quite condescending in nature?
Do you often post how others hate on you?
Is every other post on your page about how men or women ain't about nothing?
Every other day are you speaking of how someone wants your life or to be you?
Are your posts about your ex, baby daddy, baby mama, or memes that cosign every negative ideology when in that type of situation?
Are you posting demeaning such as memes that say: Hoe's Be Like….Niggas Be Like…..You, Will, Sleep With a Married Man but Won't Date a Nigga that Lives with his Mama…..Y'all hoes ain't got no edges….It's Tax Season posts of unattractive beastly women sitting on the laps of nice-looking guys…Welfare posts…..and the list goes on.
Fight videos, anyone? Why do we enjoy watching people try to tear each other apart? If someone were to stroll down your timeline, would they feel that you are angry about something? Immature in your ways of thinking, maybe. Do you come off as a bitter neck rolling constantly telling someone off female not realizing you are turning off the exact man you really seek? Or are you giving the impression of a misogynistic male that slick dogs women in everything you post about? If someone were to go through your pictures, would they consist of nothing but memes with negative undertones? Nowadays, we want to post everything we come across that either we find to be funny or entertaining though they may be damaging, such as memes, videos, and pictures. We love posting things we find to be controversial or validate our thoughts on certain subjects, or we, myself included, fire off a rant all up in our feelings when we see something not to our liking. I’m guilty! Guilty! Oh, boy, am I GUILTY!
We find Facebook to be our favorite place to stand on our soapbox and tell it like it is, how it is going to be, where to pick it up, and they better lay it down cause you all don’t want any of this Decatur Flava – has been me! It is where we give our unsolicited opinion of others and what we feel they should and should not do, how ugly they are and how displeased we are with anything not to our liking. Yes, I’m saying it – Kevin Samuels, anyone. Sadly, it is becoming rarer by the minute that we post anything genuinely positive and uplifting. Let's be honest; positivity is boring. It spreads like cold shit on buttered toast. No one wants to digest that. Who wants to spread the great things that happen in life when misery helps to co-sign all that is wrong with the world? There is much validity in the statement - Misery loves company. We flock to ATL Uncensored to see dead bodies because according to those who love watching someone who has taken their last breath – it’s a part of life. We love pity parties – not sincere celebrations and indeed not when it's happening to someone else and not themselves. Who wants to know that you have found love when every woman or man they have met is a trifling gold digga or bum as nigga? Yes, plenty will hit that LIKE button – often out of guilt or a feeling of obligation, but more will roll their eyes, dig their heels in the sand on not acknowledging your happiness and pass it right on up. But let you post a few months later that the low down dirty so-n-so cheated or wasn't all that you thought they were cracked up to be and watch the worms come out of the woodwork and eat it up. "Girl, what happened?" "You did the right thing. If it were me, I would have…." "Ah man, you know these h*es ain't loyal!" I have on numerous occasions had to step back and perform a self-check to see if publicly I was wrecking myself. There will probably be so many times more that I see something and get ready to SHARE and then stop! I must ask myself if what I am about to post makes me come off as being negative or spreading hate versus spreading positive vibrations. Is what I am posting sending the wrong type of message about who I am as a person? And precisely what do I plan to gain from posting this? Will I be giving people the wrong impression of who I truly am? Too often, I have been told once a person gets to know me that I am nothing like they thought I was only because they have seen me out in public and my facial expression tends to be somewhat unapproachable. Or that my past posts on Facebook make me come off as angry and that I would bite your head off if you said anything out of the way to me. And yet, as they began to talk to me, and get to know me, they've learned that I really am a friendly, funny, caring, and loving person. So now I realize that I must do the same with my postings. One of the hardest things to do is self-analyze. We love to say that we do, but sometimes when I look at the "posts" of others, I wonder what their assessment consists of. Knowing as many people as I have hidden or even gone so far as to delete because of the trash and negativity that I see daily rolling through my timelines continually, I now question how many of you have either hidden or gone so far as to delete me?
Love, Chloe