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Stay in Competition With Your Mate For Your Mate

Writer's picture: Chloe BarksdaleChloe Barksdale

Fighting for Love
Fighting For The Love I Prayed For

I am a scorpion woman. I was born on Oct 25th.

Let me allow that to sit and marinate with you for a while because if you know, then you know.

Usually, when I mention to someone that I am a Scorpio, the first thing that comes to mind, and shortly after that, out of the mouths of many, are:






Hot Tempered










I admit that I am some of all of this, less than assumed of most, but full-fledged of a few. But so is every other sign. And though I am a heavy believer in the zodiac and the attributes associated with each sign, I know that sometimes they get it wrong. In my case, at least.

In my case, the parts about my being secretive, loyal, and committed are genuinely me all day long. I am all three. She is me. I am she. This is especially so when it comes to romantic relationships. I believe heavily in giving my all regarding love to whomever I am with.

When my daughter Jhori was little, we used to have cute arguments over who loved whom more. She would become visibly hurt when I'd tell her I loved her more than she loved me. This little girl would become upset to the point of tears. She then said to me that she loved me big time. I told her I loved her big-time infinity. She then said that she loved me big-time, infinity and beyond. How was I supposed to top that? That is a whole lot of limitless love. And though they were merely words back and forth between mother and daughter, the fact that she competed with me swelled my heart. She was willing to fight with me to prove her love.

Is it possible to have a mate who loves you like my daughter fought to profess hers for me? The kind of love where they need to be more forceful in their letting you know just how much, as my child did when she was about four.

It has always been a competition within myself to ensure that on an ongoing basis, whoever I am with knows how much I love and think about them. No, not in the smothering way that is super unhealthy and, at times, a bit scary, but instead by actions and words. I say I love you often and at the most random times. And when I say it, you know it comes from the heart. Sometimes, it’s said at the base of your neck, followed by a kiss against your Adam's apple as I spoon you in bed at night. Other times, it’s an outburst in the middle of an argument just to let you know that I don't like you right now, but I still love your irritating ass.

Thinking of them and the little things come naturally in a relationship. It can be as simple as grabbing their favorite beer at the store when it gets low in the fridge at my house or sending a cash app to their barber the Wednesday before getting their haircut, paying for it in advance, including tips.

If the Hawks are playing the Lakers, and though my mate is from the ATL but is a severe LeBron fan, his getting in the car and finding a pair of tickets to the game left on the console is a great way to start his day off with a smile. Can you say CHEEEEEEESE! Or it may be a day when we can do whatever you want, all on me.

And just as much as women love to be told by their mates that they are beautiful and sexy, men need to hear it, too. I refuse to let some other women be out here eyeballing you and telling you how good you look more than me. I'm going always to be my man's hype woman.

To my surprise, over the last few years, I've heard the grumblings from men that they do not receive the same recognition on Father's Day or Valentine's Day as we women. Why not, ladies? What gives? Why are you not competing to keep him, as you expect and desire him to compete with other men to hold onto and keep your attention? I understand fully that it is always a competition regardless of how much we love each other. Never let another have the chance to covet your lover. Why are we not doing everything we know she will do to try and steal him?

So it leads me to the question again......

Why do we not compete with and for our mates more by showing them how much we love them as we expect them to do for us? Not just in a material way but in all ways. Physically, emotionally, mentally, and verbally.

Yes, I know we can't always be doing something grand as a means of expression. Too much of anything is overkill. Still, nowadays, we spend so much time fighting against one another instead of fighting for one another.

I don't know about you, but it's game on for all five love languages when I have someone. It's a competition, and I play to win.


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